Sunday, April 26, 2009

Happy Birthday!!

Owen is one month old today! It's amazing how time flies. I feel like we just brought him home from the hospital. We've really enjoyed getting to know our little man over the past month and can't imagine our lives without him.

Things you're doing now...

  • You are still wearing newborn diapers (not for too much longer with that big belly)

  • Newborn clothes still fit you the best, but you can wear a few 0-3 month onesies

  • You are smiling a lot..especially in your sleep

  • You go cross eyed when your trying to focus on things up close

  • You are eating every three hours at 2, 5, 8, and 11

  • You get the hiccups after almost every feeding

  • You don't have a routine during the day, but you are staying awake a lot more

  • Most nights you get up to eat and go right back to sleep

  • You are still sleeping in your bouncy seat in your pac-n-play

  • You like to be swaddled at night with your arms out

  • You like to sleep with your arms straight up or with your hands by your face

  • You have become very curious about your surroundings

  • You are getting more head can pick your head up and turn it while being held upright

  • You love your car much that you fall asleep every time you're in it

  • You are very are constantly grunting

  • You have a lot of facial expressions and you really like to stick your tongue out

  • You are constantly raising your eyebrows and wrinkling your forehead

  • You are a very gassy baby...we can always tell when your tummy is bothering you because swing your arms around like you're swimming.

  • You like going on strolls around the neighborhood but you fall asleep everytime

The day you arrived...... and one month later

We've been seeing a lot of this little smile lately and thought we would share

sweet dreams...


Angie Cleary said...

Happy Birthday to Owen! Christie he is such a handsome guy, I love the pic of him smiling! He sure has grown in a month! I miss the smell of a babies head and hair, I so loved smelling Becca and Morgan's heads after baths and lotions!

Anonymous said...

Christie, he is absolutely adorable! I love keeping up with you guys through your blog! Hope everything is going well!
Morgan Sain

Mommy and Collyn said...

Your little man is so very precious...he is so handsome and very much looks like his mommy! I know you are so very proud of him...cherish every moment because it goes by so very fast. My little one starts kindergarden in August and it breaks my heart! Looks like you all are doing well! Congrats on your new family and Owen is always in my prayers until you can figure out what is going on with him! God is amazing and has a plan for everything! TAke care!


Karen, John Michael, and Lance said...

Thanks for keeping us up-to-date. I, too, love the pictures...especially the smile. What a cutie!

Greg, Kristy, and John Lleyton said...

he is soooo precious! thanks for the update!

Ross and Kate said...

Happy Mother's Day Christie!