Sunday, August 21, 2011

31 weeks...

Wow...this pregnancy is flying by! I've had lots of request for pics and updates...and I'm just now getting around to it. With Owen, I took pictures every week and updated the blog frequently. Let's just say things have been a lot busier during Miss Ava's pregnancy...

So here are a few belly pics that we've managed to take along the way....

15 weeks
20 weeks
22 weeks
25 weeks

30 weeks

As of my appointment last Monday, I've gained 21 lbs so far. I gained a total of 35 pounds with Owen, so there may be a lot of change in the next 9 weeks...

This pregnancy has been a lot like my first. I was nauseous in the beginning but I made it through without throwing-up. Lots of small snacks throughout the day really seemed to help and around 14 weeks the nauseousness subsided. The second trimester flew by with nothing too eventful. The biggest difference between the two pregnancies has been my tiredness, especially in the 1st and 3rd trimesters. I guess chasing a 2 year old this go around really changes things! Ha! I also seem to be carrying lower this time. Ava Kate has yet to kick me in the ribs and Owen did this non stop for as long as I can remember..but I'm not complaining! Ava's just as active as her brother and really gets going just about the time I get ready for bed!

Owen has really started to talk about Ava a lot lately. I'm not sure he completely understands....he always points to my belly and says Ava, but sometimes I think he just thinks I call my belly "Ava". The other night I asked him not to sit on Ava (aka my belly) so he got up, walked over to sit with Josh and said "I go sit with Daddy and Ava"! Ha! He's really excited about being a "big brother" and likes to give Ava (my belly) kisses. He's newest thing is to blow raspberries on my belly and put his hands on my belly to feel Ava kick!!

We had a little scare at my 28 week appointment. Dr. Birch noticed some changes in Ava's positioning and decided to check for dilation. It turns out I was a finger tip dilated, so Dr. Birch did an FFN test and sent me for an ultrasound. The FFN (a test that can tell if you are at risk for pre-term labor in the next few weeks) was negative and the ultrasound looked good, so she put me on restriction and set me up for weekly appointments. There has been no further dilation and a second FFN test was negative, so she's letting me go 2 weeks before my next appointment. Yay! I'm feeling good with the exception of being tired and getting winded so easily. We have just under 9 weeks til Miss Ava Kate's arrival and lot of things to get done before she gets here....