Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Thanksgiving Craft Project.... a hard concept for kids to understand!  We've taught Owen (and continue to teach him) to use his manners and say Please and Thank You, but asking him what he was thankful for was entirely different.  Before Thanksgiving, I started talking with him about the holiday and what it meant to be thankful and decided to make a Thanksgiving turkey with all the things he was thankful for....

It was kind of a long project...

Step 1:  painting

Step 2:  Tracking hands and cutting them out

Step 3:  Constructing the Turkey's body on a paper towel roll

Step 4:  (the fun part)  Coming up with a list of things Owen was thankful for...

This was Owen's list that he came up with on his own and in this order:

1. Chips
2. Pumpkins
3. Freedom (I have no idea where this one came from)
4. Pop Tarts
5. Friends
6. Mater
7. Daddy, Mommy, Ava
8. Toys
9.  Family
10. Turkey

Step 5:  Writing everything he was thankful for on the feathers and gluing them on the turkey

The finished product...