Playing catch-up again! Ava Kate is almost 4 months but I'm just now getting around to posting her 2 and 3 month updates. I started the post a while back but never got around to finishing them. That seems to be a common thing with me since becoming a mother of two! Ha! Maybe one day I'll get it all together...but I wouldn't count on it!
Ava Kate at 2 months...
Things you're doing now....
- You weigh about 8 lbs
- You're still wearing newborn diapers but not for too much longer
- You are wearing mostly newborn clothes, but I keep trying on all your cute 0-3 month clothes and you're almost big enough
- You're still nursing most of the time, but you've starting taking a few bottles of breast milk!! This is really exciting for mom!
- You're drinking about 3-3.5 oz at each bottle
- You are not on any type of schedule
- You still like to eat every 2-3 hours
- You still wake up 2-3 times per night and the longest you've slept is 4 hours
- You're still a pretty fussy baby and like things done a certain way...such a diva already!!
- You love your car seat and I'm positive you would sleep all night if we would let you sleep in it
- You getting a little more head control, but you still have a ways to go!
- You're a lot more alert now
- You love watching your brother and he is so sweet with you. He loves to give you hugs and kisses
- You started smiling just a few days before Thanksgiving, but you still make us work really hard for it!
- You really like laying in Owen's bed while he's getting ready for bed at're alway so content there
- You like you're paci, but not near as much as your brother did. You still have a hard time keeping it in and get mad when it falls out.
- You absolutely LOVE your lovies! You love to hold it with both hands and sleep best when it's over your face!
- You've started laying on your play mat and in your bounce seat, but you're not to sure about them yet. You just lay there and stare
- Bath time is one of your favorite things. It wears you out and you always take a nap afterwards, but you absolutely love it.
- You also really enjoy your massage after bath time. It's great bonding time with mommy!
- You are starting to lose your hair just like your brother did at this age. And it's always so spiky after bath!
- You don't look a lot like your brother, but there are a few pictures where ya'll look very similar because of your expressions. Here's one of you both at 2 months. Ava Kate on the left and Owen on the right.
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