Sunday, November 11, 2012


Both kids really enjoyed carving pumpkins this year.  Ava Kate jumped right in to help clean out the "guts"....Owen, on the other hand, took a little while to warm up to the idea of touching the gooey stuff!

playing the drums again....

After a little coaxing, Owen decided to get in on the action...with the help of a few tools!

 Owen looked through some pictures on the internet and decided on a Superman and a scary face pumpkin.  We had originally planned to let Miss Ava Kate paint a pumpkin, but she had so much fun with the "cleaning" process that she was ready for a bath and bed!

Owen was so excited about lighting the pumpkins.  He put the candle in and sat back and waited for Josh to light them.  He was jumping up and down saying "look, look"'s the little things (that I hope we will alway remember)!!

Our two works of art all lit up...