Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Our little life...

A few random pictures from this month that sums up our life....fun, busy, stressful, loving chaos!

Saturday morning waffles have become a ritual...

giddy up Honey....

a little sibling tug-a-war....

sister can hold her own...

always happy with her 3 favorites...paci, lovie, and baby!

such a happy girl in the morning...especially when Owen's the first one to come in her room!

ALWAYS has a baby in hand these days....

they have officially mastered the art of dipping cookies in milk....thanks to mommy!

a little bathtub art...

apparently Owen thought it would be fun to paint Ava Kate as well...

a masterpiece....

story time with Daddy....

patting her babies to sleep while singing "night night baby" and saying "shh, shh"

Such a little momma...

A little picnic on the driveway....

lounging in mommy and daddy's bed...

our silly girl...

ridding in daddy's truck with the windows down....their new favorite thing!!

everyone in our bed....this seems to be happening more and more these days...it's so hard to say no to these sweet babies!