Monday, November 8, 2010

Spirit Week

It was Spirit Week at Owen's daycare October 25th through the 29th. It was so much fun to see all the kids dressed up! I think the parents might have enjoyed it just as much as the kids!
Day 1: Mismatch Day.... I think Owen was the tackiest one in his class!

Day 2: Hat Day.... Owen doesn't really like to keep hats on, so I had to distract him with a football just to get a picture!

Day 3: Pajama Day.... So cute in his guitar pj's!!

Day 4: Game Day.... Owen was full force in his Razorback gear. He even insisted on taking his Razorback football to school.

Day 5: Costume Day.... Owen was the cutest little loin!
It was so funny to watch all the kids looking at each other. They just kept staring at each other like "why are you wearing that?".

Owen and his little girlfriend Emmie...

My little lion....

group pic...
Fletcher, Emmie, Brooklyn, Meribell, and Owen