Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Trick or Treat

We kicked off Halloween with Trick or Treat on the square Friday afternoon. This was Owen's first year to really participate in all the trick or treating.... and he jumped right in!

Owen knew exactly what to do....he walked right up to the lady and held up his bucket like he had done it a million times before...we were shocked!

At first....he didn't realize you could eat the candy. It was like he thought it was a toy or something...

Our little loin...

Owen and Judd

And then...he saw Charley eating all her candy and realized he could eat his candy too!
Mackenzie was all dressed up but decided to nap during all the trick or treating...
Owen, Charley, and Holden
eating more candy...
And after all the sugar kicked in, Owen was a wild man...

We let the kids run off their extra energy at the shop....